Why Pet Photography?

July 21, 2015  •  Leave a Comment

Why Pet Photography?

As you can tell from our Poetic Photo Professional's logo, there is a clear silhouette of a Boston Terrier dog inside the lens of the Camera graphic icon.  We chose that logo because of my passion for taking photos and the sight of this dog breed just brings me so much joy and happiness.  I have never had a dog growing up and I was given my first dog by my husband when I turned 33 years old.  I was looking through different pictures of dogs from cute calendars and the one with the distinguished black and white features just caught my eyes.  

Boston Terriers are known for their intelligence, handsome tuxedo feature, silly personality and lovingness towards children.  I now have a total of four dogs, yes FOUR, you can't stop at just one.  My first dog is named Jack.  In fact, I have taken more photos of my dogs than my own kids.  I even made a photo book dedicated to my dogs.  Being a dog owner truly is a privilege and an experience I will never forget.  


Fell in Love with a DOG : Why? they don't' talk back or have vengeance.  They are good listeners and they sit by you so you can pet them.  I remember the first time Jack would follow me everywhere, he would sit under my chair when I am working.  He would wait by the bathroom, (those that have dogs understands this), even going to the mailbox, he would not leave my side.  He is my friend and protector.


Companionship :  My husband traveled a lot when my kids were growing up. He had a small house in another state and we don't get to see him so much.  He decided to buy another dog (this time a female dog) to keep him company when he comes home from work.  He also had other intentions to breed her and make some money on the side.  We found a breeder near our house and fell in love with Jasmine.  She was special, strong, comes from a long line of champion dogs, loving and has a unique birthmark on the side of her neck.  It was in a shape of a heart.  It was a clear sign that we must get her.  We got her when she was a few months old, my daughter loved her immediately and loves to play dress up with her and take her on walks.  She grew into a beautiful adult dog and later on was ready for breeding.  She gave us 5 puppies, we sold 4 of them and kept one girl, which we named her Snow.

Snow is officially my daughter's dog, while my daughter is attending school, Snow has been my grand-puppy, (Ha, that makes me a grandma!), she was the tiny one in the family, she loves to curl up and hide herself on my lap.  She was totally a lap dog.  She is like her mother, very loving, athletic, and a fast runner.


Our most recent dog is Sawyer, he is a cream and white French Bulldog.  I wanted a different breed this time, since having 3 of the same color dogs can get quite confusing.  I still love the short nose dog and since I graduated from UGA, I have always been a Bulldog fan.  French Bulldogs are just short and adorable.  I love their long ears, short legs and thick skin and coat.  They are just cuddly animals, almost like having a small koala bear but more domesticated.  Since Jack is getting older, I just wanted another puppy to play with.  My husband bought Sawyer as a surprise, it was a surprise gift that I couldn't say no to.  I wasn't sure if I was ready for another dog, but those loving puppy eyes talked me into it.  From then on, it was the right decision, he has brought so much love and joy into our lives.


Why are we taking photos of our dogs?

Mostly for memories, for fun and something to do with them to grow our relationship with our dog friend, babies, or pets.  They listen to our instructions, their eyes are eager to learn and do what pleases us.  They don't argue or fight back, they just let you, because they love you unconditionally and their main goal in life is to make you happy and be there for you.  That's what friends are for.  My dogs also helps my son with his social skills and communication.


Some day they will not be here. 

My oldest dog is 7 years old.  That is 49 years old in human years.  Boston Terriers usually live on average for 15 years.  That means I only have 7 or 8 more years with him if I am lucky.  Each year I would take photos of them to document their time with us.  Each year our relationship grows stronger and the trust is there.  Dogs are pretty smart and they are there to help us.  They are our security alarm system, they are my alarm clock, they are my fitness coach, and they are my babies, they let me take care of them.


Having pets is fun and I know some people are not open to that idea or too busy in their lives to have a pet, but when you become a pet owner, you know the bond and feeling you get when you adopt a pet of your own.  


Booking a Pet Photography session is a great way to document your love and relationship with our furry friends.  Please contact us for rates and appointments.  If you like this post, please leave me a comment. Thanks for stopping by.


Blog by: Eve R.


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